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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Obamunists Using Rep. Ed Markey to Blame BP, Covering-up What the Obama Administration Knew & When they Knew it

BP knew it right after the Deepwater Horizon collapse and so did the Obama administration: 53,000 to 110,000 barrels per day was the estimate. It was not a secret kept from the government. It was a secret very poorly kept by them -- but maintained for them by the bulk of the marxstream media, to this day.

I just sent this email (snipping out the missive's intro) to an expert scientist with a great deal of experience in deep water drilling for oil and the geology beneath it. Is this a good enough way of communicating with you too, about the need to set the records straight, concerning what Rep. Ed Markey and the Obamunsits, overall are trying to get away with in Washington, or should I write a formal article?

Maybe I'll have time to do that, for RenewAmerica, Canada Free Press, American Daughter, etc., but here is "the scoop," for you, first, most excellent Theophilus and I.O. reader:
I hope this is not too jarring, but in the mean time, take a look at how the Marxist/fascists are lockstep (goosestep?) behind the Obama administration's cover-up (and it is clear they have been working much more closely with BP than they let on -- that is what they do, as you know; BP started as a "government/private partnership" and that is what they continue to do, despite Thatcher's privatization).

Compare this authoritarian, Rep. Ed Markey's game of blame and hiding behind "capitalist" BP's skirt, along with Obama [ed. "Congressman: Internal BP Document Shows Worst-Case Scenario for Spill Could Be 100,000 Barrels a Day"]:

Compare it to this actual evidence that the U.S. government (NOAA) knew the extent of this gusher, at the very outset [ed. "April Video Indicates U.S. Government Aware of Much Greater Volume of Gulf Gusher; Evidence Raises Suspicion of Cover-Up"]:

Especially in light of what you described that Corexit does by separating the contaminants in the Ocean's water and the Obama administration's "never allow a significant crisis to go to waste" pushing for Cap and Trade, along with the suspicious stock dumping Goldman-Sachs and George Soros, this stinks worse than the whales they are killing.

See more about Cap and Trade, and Climate Exchanges, here:

I would appreciate your feedback. Forgive me for how long it will take to peruse these articles and videos, but I am sending them to you, in your own, highly respected interest.

Highest reg's,
Highest reg's. - AW

See also: "RICO Investigation Needed NOW about Gulf, Energy & CCX," CJ, 6/11/2010
photo, Ed Markey (sorry) fm. Wikipedia

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