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Thursday, June 10, 2010

Celebrated Oil Clean-Up Experts, on BP & BHO, on 'The Awakening' + 'Fightin' Words' Eyes on Israel - Tonight

Update 6/10 - Our program was moving along nicely... for about five minutes. Then it quit on us all and neither host nor caller were able to rejoin any shared communication. Blogtalkradio.com has been sent a little note and when I hear back satisfactorily, we intend to try again, with our distinguished co-hosts and guests. My apologies, dear reader/listener. I don't know where the buck stops, but I hope it uses its antlers, if necessary.
Don't miss our coverage of the Important Topics and Key Crises of the Moment.
Just click the program titles, to listen.

All Eyes on Israel, on Fightin' Words - 9-10pm ET...6-7pm PT
hosts: Walter Hudson and David Lutchen - call in: 646-727-2652

What is it about Israel and the Jewish people that evokes such controversy and passion? Days before an Israeli interdiction which resulted in several deaths brought the wrath of the international community, down upon the small Middle Eastern nation, North Korea sunk an entire ship with comparatively little objection. How can such a desparity in reaction be explained?
10pm-Midnight ET...7-9pm PT - host: Arlen Williams, plus guest co-hosts:
Jean of We the People USA & CJ of netradio's Fan the Fire w/ CJ & Tallulah, Patriot's Heart Network
Special Guests:

Merle Savage, Advocate for oil clean-up safety and 1989 Exxon Valdez worker (More, here)

Jim Rhyne, Owner of Coconut Bay Resort who has been working with a local scientist to develop Oil Eating Microbes (More about Mr. Rhyne, here)

Dr. Mike Castle, owner of Castle Concepts – and the AmeriHaz Gulf Fund Dr. Castle has developed an Oil Absorbing Polymer (Video, here)

Darryl Carpenter, CW Roberts Construction an advocate for using hay to clean up the oil leak - featured last Tuesday 6/8 on Fox News' Hannity (More about this solution, here)

Darryl Carpenter's YouTube video, more than 2 million views, all told

David Elmore, Chief Marketing Officer, Petromist Environmental Solutions, which has developed less-toxic oil dispersant. (Video, here)

CJ of Fan the Fire w/ CJ & Tallulah, is a small business owner in the field of oil well supply and fabrication

Jean of We the People USA, professional operations and quality consultant has recently written: "The Marxo-Fascist 'Social and Economic Justice' Ties that Bind" ...on the 'High Road' to the controlled society. (In Investigating Obama - LINK HERE). This was orinally intended to be the subject of tonight's program, but we will postponed that, in order to address the Gulf crisis.

Arlen will discuss his interview last night, of a director level representative of British Petroleum. We will welcome your questions, call 646-727-2652

Key Links:
1. Deepwater Horizon Central Command
2. British Petroleum Gulf of Mexico Response
3. CBS 60 Minutes: Blow-Out, the Deepwater Horizon Disaster

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