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Saturday, June 5, 2010

Obama to Use Oil Spill Disaster to Renew Push for Cap & Trade - Manufactured Crisis, Domestic Terrorism by Default

Please read and heed; also the linked articles. There is no explanation for the Obama regime's delay and their managed withholding of efforts in response to their charge of protecting America and the world from this oil leak crisis, other than the neo-Marxist, Cloward-Piven strategy of manufactured crisis. They are not that inept, just, apparently, that criminally evil.

Why else would such a force for nationalizing and globalizing the American economy and society leave it up to BP plc (not only a private corporation, also foreign) to manage the response to this national and world crisis?

Who do they blame, as government regulations were not enforced and government "response" maliciously provides for greater harm? -- the "capitalists" involved.

What do they seek, as they prevent measures of remedy? -- anti-American "cap and trade."

Especially if Obama has no sufficient reason for preventing the berming of the Louisiana coastline, this behavior indicates domestic terrorism, on the part of the Obama Administration. - AW

Commentary by Sher Zieve

Almost as if it had been created for him, it seems that the BP oil spill couldn’t have come at a better time for Obama. Just when The Obama was cogitating over how to reintroduce the Energy Cap & Tax bill--which will skyrocket energy rates so that many of us will not be able to afford basic electricity--the BP oil spill occurred. This was most convenient for Obama and his plans to continue gutting the USA and its citizens.

Suffice it to say, if US and US-based oil companies had not been forced by environmentalists to drill at depths to which humans cannot safely travel, this would not have happened. If the spill had occurred at more human-friendly depths, the clean-up would have been much easier to handle and much faster to affect. And, why is Obama still dragging his sizeable feet in allowing Louisiana and the other Gulf Coast states to begin cleanup on their own? Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA) begged Obama for weeks to allow the placement of berms (raised barrier separating two areas). Obama ignored the Governor. Even leftist James Carville--a resident of the State--begged his leader to assist with: “We’re dyin’ down here!“ Finally, on 3 June, Obama relented and said he would allow the placements to begin. But, even this has not happened yet. But, it now appears it may be too late as the famously beautiful and pristine Louisiana marshlands have already been glutted with oil. Native birds are now covered with the deadly blend, while Obama fiddled, golfed, went on vacation and attended a Paul McCartney concert. Nero would be proud.

However, Obama believes this will work to his advantage. He thinks he can and will--as he did with ObamaCare--shove Cap & Trade down our throats and virtually complete his enslavement of we the American people. Don’t let him do it folks. Call your Senators and Congress people, especially those up for reelection in November, and tell them NO CAP & TRADE OR YOU’RE OUT! Obama must have his power base removed. At this juncture it truly is Obama & Co vs. the American People. He cannot and must not be allowed to get away with his newest atrocity. It is We-the-People who must now decide who is to survive. I’m counting on us!

New Cap & Trade Push; Nuclear Option; New Ed Standards:

Johanns says oil spill is boosting cap-and-trade:

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