Update 9/15 ~ In case anyone wondered why Mr. Donofrio was not in the conversation at the very end of the program, I received this by him, via email: "got cut off... excellent show," and "can you please say goodnight to your guests Joan and JB for me, apologies." No apologies necessary, Leo! Our thanks to all, taking their time to participate, and to all those listening to the latest. And the searches, for truth and for honest servants of the People, go on.
Update 9/14 ~ Leo Donofrio will also join us tonight, to discuss J.B. Williams' new information, and perhaps the media coverup (hope he's gotten all the covers thown on him off by now) and we hope he will lend us his perspectives on the state of the movement for constitutional justice, regarding natural born Citizen eligibility. You may wish to see Leo's new item, "Reverse Analysis: Why Did Hawaii Get a Different DNC Certification Than Other States?"
Also, please note: later on in the program, I intend to discuss significant and alarming information concerning Orly Taitz; this is nothing of, by, nor from Leo Donofrio, nor our other guests.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O.<>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This Post, as of 9/13 ~ Obama exposers, J.B. Williams & Joan Swirsky, give us the backstory of their penetrating new articles, "The Theory is Now a Conspiracy And Facts Don’t Lie" and "Who Is Behind Quashing the Birth Certificate Issue?" respectively.
Listen online and hear the new evidence:
Call in, to listen or to ask a question -- (646) 727-2652
- Just what are the conspiracies?
- Will the latest court actions bring us justice?
Gain from their new glances behind the dark curtain that is hiding the reality of Barack Obama -- the shroud held up by his politico and media enablers, cloaking both his apparent ineligibility for the U.S. Presidency and his global Marxist ideology. Plus...
- Is Orly Taitz helping, or sabotaging the eligibility actions?
- After the 9/12 March on Washington and the ACORN revelations, is America waking up to the corruption of Soros/Obama/Pelosi Marxofascism? (And the "transnational progressivism" perverting the GOP, too?)
Join us... and perhaps other contributors to Investigating Obama and "The Awakening" broadcasts.
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