<<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O.<>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Original posting, as of 9/11/2009 ~ Orly Taitz Watch: Saboteur?.
On Friday, August 14, I.O. called for help by those who would like to investigate and report the apparent "mistakes" in the eligibility challenges, of Orly Taitz. Also, her media-grabbing... buffoonery, would you say? And what of her other tricks, such as releasing private information over the Internet? Also in light of these, what of her instances of apparently shunning professional, volunteer help, from others? Some relevant comments and attestations were posted. You may read them:
Also, some emails were sent me. I confess, I have not afforded the time to do a professional job of collating the stories and of investigating and reporting. An entire book could be written, after all. So, at this point, I have felt inadequate to prepare a journalistic essay on The Mysteries of Orly. What I suggest at this point, is to peruse the "comments" entries to that article.
Circumstances call for a question to be asked. Is Orly Taitz involved in sabotage?
One ponders how an agent saboteur could do just what Orly Taitz has done, to be there "first with the worst" -- to become the straw man "challenger," for Barack Obama.
Who would like to document the problems of Orly Taitz with me, since I do not have the time, by myself? ("Investigating Obama" is not easy on the schedule, after all.) If I find someone who could do this, I could help you, significantly.
Meanwhile, to paraphrase the ol' Hollies...
Hey Orly Taitz,
What's your game now?
Can anybody play?
And has she really been granted expedited discovery in California, this week? Would Gary Kreep not also be reporting this, if so? And was Taitz really granted the opportunity to present before the court today, in Georgia? If so, why her?
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And if Orly Taitz makes "mistakes" which cause discoveries or presentments to be dismissed, nullified, or otherwise decided against, what does that do, to the cause of constitutional justice?
UPDATE 9/12 - Reading even the first comment below leads me to apologize for not making this clear enough. So, let me try again. Orly Taitz has a track record of getting in front of other lawyers in her rush to get to court, whether the action is civil, or military, and the same rush to be there before others appears to me to have been exhibited in the case of citizens' grand juries. That gives her a key role. She apparently tries to get there first. She sets precedent. Therefore, when she makes a "mistake" which affects a court decision, that tends to create obstacles for the entire movement which seeks constitutional justice in America, especially in the case of Barack Obama's apparent failure to demonstrate eligibility for the office of Commander in Chief as per Article 2.
Likewise, when Orly Taitz gains media attention which invites ridicule, especially by the Alinsky-types on the Obama side of the political tracks, effectively for what is she an agent?
Whether for filing in the wrong state, drafting her papers incorrectly, issuing phony subpoenas, presenting phony evidence, failing to abide by court procedures, releasing people's social security numbers, "tipping the hand" of potential lines of investigation, discrediting other attorneys, etc., the excuse of zeal and inexperience has worn way too thin. What is really going on -- and for what purpose?
"...question with boldness..."
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