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Friday, September 4, 2009

Update - Van Jones Caught Jonesin' for the Communist Vangaurd (currently)

Friday, 9/4, 2009 - I.O. agrees with the bulk of pundits (well, the ones who are not ignoring this in desperation) that conventional wisdom dictates Van Jones will resign tonight or tomorrow. However, this Soros/Obama/Pelosi insurrection is not conventional, nor wise -- though they are very cunning.

Also, my bad for not pointing out that Valerie Jarrett is the one introducing Jones, at the end of the video (and in August, 2008) she being Obama's right hand woman, especially during the campaign and transition. They know their beau, Mr. Jones. Think of Van as the Lou Costello to Barack's Bud Abbott. Straight man, Abbott gets top billing, but Costello carries the load. Well, that was the plan, it seems, for the Green come Red Revolution. Perhaps it remains so, even now? After all, they have other plans for increasing, not decreasing, their control, including but not limited to media control, with Mark Lloyd taking more of the Marxofascist reigns at the FCC.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O.<>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Thursay, 9/3, 2009

"So the green economy will start off as a small subset and we're going to push it and push it and push it,
until it becomes the engine for transforming the whole society." -- to
fascism, then the dictatorship of the proletariat, and then... though no one has ever been able to make it happen... THE COMMUNIST DREAM !! (wait for applause) ...or do you prefer anarcho-syndicalism?

"...complete revolution was on the table, ah, for this country and I think that this green revolution has to pursue those same steps, in stages."

Any questions?

Will Obama attempt to make a scapegoat of Van Jones and fire him? Then, what would he have to do about the other known communists, fascists, and eugenicist "progressives" throughout his staff?

Would he not have to accept the precedent he would then create and resign?

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