Ayers admits (again) he wrote Obama bio
Weather Underground terrorist speaks to new generation of SDSPosted: March 26, 2011
11:31 pm Eastern
By Jerome R. Corsi.NEW YORK – Bill Ayers has once again suggested he was the author of Barack Obama's celebrated autobiography, even though the admission could be explained away as a mocking irony designed only to goad Ayers's critics by yet another false admission he was the president's ghostwriter. At the conclusion of a speech sponsored by the Students for a Democratic Society at Montclair State University in New Jersey, the former Weather Underground bomber gleefully claimed credit for writing Obama's "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance."
As shown in a video clip on YouTube, Ayers responding to a question about "Dreams," said, "Did you know that I wrote it, incidentally?"
Here is the transcript of the exchange between Ayers and a member of the audience asking about "Dreams":
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Sunday, March 27, 2011
Ayers Again Says he Wrote Obama's Dreams from my Father
Billy "Guilty as Hell, Free as a Bird," Ayers blurted again, as Jerome Corsi explains in WorldNetDaily.
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