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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What You Miss if You don't Click "I am Gulag Bound," Above (or visit that site)

At the moment, this is what resides on that constantly updated feed. Some of the posts are more directly related to Barack Obama than others, but "it's all connected."

Latest Entries


  • Forget Happy Meals ~ Fake ‘Meat’ to Replace Grazing those Flatulent Cows?

    Janet Smiles

    Reported in the Telegraph.co.uk, emphasis mine: Researchers in the Netherlands have created what was described as soggy pork and are now investigating ways to improve the muscle tissue in the hope that people will one day want to eat it. What we need are tiny treadmills for synthetic pork…


  • ObamaGov Establishing Islam as Official USA State Religion

    Sher Zieve

    In contradiction to the US Constitution’s First Amendment referencing the prohibition of the US government’s establishment of a State religion, the Obama has decided to institute Islam’s “religion” Muslimism as the US’ first state-sponsored religion. As Islam is first and foremost a governmental/political system–with the “faithful” following its feudal…


  • Obama’s Cloward-Piven Policies Causing Ominous Rumblings in Philly

    Janet Smiles

    Reported in the Examiner, Philadelphia: Firefighter Union to City: Liar, liar, pants on… you get it already. Exactly a week ago, it was written here how a fire in West Philadelphia killed a 12 year old boy. Much blame was put on the fact that Philly’s Democrat Mayor Michael…


  • Jan Schakowsky – Yet Another Socialist (Marxist) in Congress

    Trevor Loudon

    Several current or recent members of Congress, including Neil Abercrombie, Mary Jo Kilroy, Jerry Nadler and Bob Filner have close ties to America’s largest marxist organization, Democratic Socialists of America. Another to add to the growing list is Jan Schakowsky [IL CD-9]. The Illinois Democrat, a member of the…


  • Updated: American Socialist Voter’s 2009 List of Marxists in Congress


    a red is a red is a red 10/17, 7:27pm CT - See Trevor Loudon’s extensive information, “Socialists in the U.S. Congress,” in New Zeal, for further information about those who are on this list and on the Congressional Progressive Caucus. 10/13, 10:50pm CT - Mark and expose the…


  • Alinskyism in the US Catholic Church

    Trevor Loudon

    Alinskyism and socialism have penetrated all the US mainstream churches. Here’s an excellent lecture on the infiltration and Alinsky inspired subversion inside the American Catholic Church. Congratulations to these people for taking on the corruption inside their own institution. Email, network, or bookmark this page. To use a service…


  • Islamist Victory & Obama’s Attacks on the States & US Citizens

    Sher Zieve

    As The Obama and his ObamaCourts ratchet up their fight against the US States and We-the-People, the beasts in the White House (aka Obama & Co) continue their fight against America and all humans. In his latest anti-US comments, Obama first supports the Islamist Victory Mosque (and probable terrorist…


  • The President Has Sided With a Foreign Government – Against a US State


    In this recent YouTube video, Professor Terry J. Lovell discusses Arizona’s immigration law, SB1070. Says Lovell: “The President of the United States, in a move that is absolutely without precedent in the history of our nation, has sided with a foreign government against a US state.” “Let that sink…


  • US Rep. Melissa Bean’s Town Hall Thuggery


    Bean's muscle - name withheld for the time being On Thursday, August 12, Representative Melissa Bean (IL-8-D) held a public meeting at the Round Lake Library. The meeting was billed as a Financial Education seminar to teach citizens how to manage their credit card debt. What happened at this meeting…


  • Matthews on Issa: Subpoena Power Led to the McCarthy Era


    Earlier today, Gulag Bound reported on a WND.com article, written by Jerome Corsi, about CA Rep. Darrell Issa’s pointed attack on the Obama administration and its unprecedented propaganda effort to sell the president’s unpopular policies and initiatives. As the ranking GOP on the House Committee on Oversight and Government…


  • Are All Churches Free to Locate Anywhere? Let’s See

    Janet Smiles

    As the fight rages on, to prevent a Muslim mosque and community center within feet of the “sacred ground” where the World Trade Center stood before a terrorist attack, one of the official excuses for not intervening is that,”They have the right to put a place of worship anywhere…


  • Rep. Darrell Issa: Obama Using White House for Unlawful Propaganda Campaign


    Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-R) at 5/28/2010 press conference (re. Joe Sestak) Reported in WorldNetDaily: Scathing Congress Report Slams Obama’s ‘Covert, Criminal Activity’ President charged with illegally using taxpayer money to manipulate public Posted: August 16, 2010 12:01 am Eastern By Jerome R. Corsi © 2010 WorldNetDaily Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif.,…


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