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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Meet your Mentor, Norman Dodd & other items I.O.

  • Bad Boy Rangle Pegged with Keeping a Gulag-American Dream Alive

    Arlen Williams

    This new item from WorldNetDaily hearkens me to the days immediately after the Obamanational election. And by the way, isn’t Charles Rangel in the news about something else — or should we say, having done something else? Is sponsoring this obviously Marxofascist bill a part of his punishment? He…


  • Has the Time Come to Replace the Federal Government?

    Sher Zieve

    After Clinton appointed Judge Susan Bolton ruled Wednesday that–for all intents and purposes–Arizona does not have the right to protect itself or its citizens from invading drug cartels and the illegal foreign hordes that are bleeding it dry of its resources, it should have become apparent to even the…


  • BP’s Hayward’s Golden Fascist Parachute Landing in Russia

    Arlen Williams

    From BBC News, excerpt: BP boss Hayward to get immediate £600,000 pension Mr Hayward has been the public face of BP's response to the spill (G/B: pointing to Soros managed property?) BP chief executive Tony Hayward will get an immediate annual pension worth about £600,000 ($930,000) when he leaves…


  • Loudon Obama File 108: Pro Obama ‘JournoLista’ Outed; New ‘Can of Worms’ Opened

    Trevor Loudon

    JournoList was an email group of approximately 400 journalists, bloggers and academics, who reportedly worked to influence news reporting in favor of Barack Obama and the Democratic Party during and after the 2008 Presidential elections. The latest list of alleged “Journolistas” has turned up a very interesting name –…


  • Meet Your Mentor: Mr. Norman Dodd

    Arlen Williams

    Who would take on the mega-money of the foundations and trusts of the Rockefellers, Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, the Guggenheims, et. al.? Someone interested for good reason, in authentic America. Before the fictitious Fox Mulder, there was the true Norman Dodd. You will do well to listen to him, from…


  • ‘JournoListas’ – the Socialist connection

    Trevor Loudon

    The now closed down JournoList, has caused considerable controversy in recent weeks. According to its opponents, JournoList, teamed up some 400 prominent “progressive” journalists in an effort to smooth Barack Obama’s path to the White House. There have been accusations that “Journolitstas”, deliberately sought to downplay Obama’s association with…


  • Obama Doesn’t Want America’s Recovery

    Sher Zieve

    It is almost unfathomable to me that television’s talking heads and pundits sill continue to scratch their respective noggins and ask why The Obama is talking–again–about raising taxes via letting President Bush’s tax cuts (for everyone I would add) expire. ‘To end them’, the pundits offer, ‘will amount to…


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