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Monday, June 7, 2010

'The Real Reason the Oil Still Flows' - Read JoAnne Moretti & Hear Her Tonight

"The Awakening" is moving to this Thursday night (10pm-Midnight, ET) joining Sentinel Radio's "Fightin' Words" (9-11pm ET). In part, that is to make sure we pay attention to this program and this week's guest. I repost this announcement from the Lady Libertas blog:
Truth & Liberty with Lady Libertas - 9-11pm ET...6-8pm PT
Join us and Call In! - 347-215-6929 - Patriot's Heart Network

Lady Libertas is joined by JoAnne Moretti - Patriot & Blogger Extraordinaire! JoAnne is well known on twitter as @joannemoretti and has a great blog: http://www.blogster.com/joannemor/.

JoAnne has done amazing research on the Gulf Oil Spill & that will be the main topic of the evening - What is the real story behind the gulf oil spill and how can we organize to help the Gulf region?

Check out Joanne's Bombshell Expose - The Real Reason the Oil Still Flows into the Gulf of Mexico
Then, remember to join us for "Fightin' Words" and "The Awakening," this Thursday night:
All Eyes on Israel, on Fightin' Words - 9-10pm ET...6-7pm PT
Hosts: Walter Hudson and David Lutchen - call in: 646-727-2652

What is it about Israel and the Jewish people that evokes such controversy and passion? Days before an Israeli interdiction which resulted in several deaths brought the wrath of the international community, down upon the small Middle Eastern nation, North Korea sunk an entire ship with comparatively little objection. How can such a desparity in reaction be explained?
ShoreBank & "High Road" Marxofascism, on The Awakening, Guest: Jean of We the People USA - 10pm-Midnight ET...7-9pm PT - Host: Arlen Williams

This is the Marxist/fascist plan for America, controlled through banking and "anarcho-syndicalist" governmental and union control. Does it seem authoritarian and anti-American? It is. Is that bad? Very.

Join Jean of We the People USA and read her article: "The Marxo-Fascist 'Social and Economic Justice' Ties that Bind" - ShoreBank, Obama, big labor, community organizers, manufacturers, Canadian socialists, progressive trade organizations, triple bottom-line corporations & the Small Business Administration, on the 'High Road' to the controlled society. (In Investigating Obama - LINK HERE)

We may also have a special guest, a small business owner who has suffered from the big squeeze put on the bourgeoisie by these Obamunist Marxists.

We will also discuss the Gulf crisis and whether there are even connections between this Chicago Marxofascist locus and Obama's actions and inactions, there.
Call in: 646-727-2652

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