Why was Leo Haffey jailed, in Tennessee?
Why was Darren Huff just pulled-over and detained by the Tennessee state and county police, in a separate incident? (link to video)
Guests: Darren Huff and Leo Haffey Listen tonight, Monday, 4/26 at 9-11pm ET (6-8pm PT)
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Why was Leo Haffey recently jailed for sixty days? Was he incarcerated without charges? Falsely labeled a mental patient? Who did this? How was he freed? Through legal processes, Haffey has been seeking constitutional justice regarding the man who would be called President Obama. [Ed., Leo Haffey's site on the Citizens' Grand Jury: http://grandjury.blogtownhall.com/]
And if this story were not odd enough, just this past Tuesday, April 20, while Mr. Haffey happened to be a guest caller on the G. Gordon Liddy Program (special guests were eligibility objector, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin and his attorney - report and audio archive, here) a number of people were driving to a meeting with Walter Fitzpatrick. One of them was Darren Huff, who will introduce himself to you, tonight.
Why was Darren Huff on the highway shoulder with the police for ninety minutes, on his way to this meeting?
Why did they want to search his car? Was it because of his "Oath Keepers" sign? Is this a part of an Obama/Napolitano DHS surveillance plan for the constitutional justice movement? Why did they decide not to search the car - while detaining him for an hour and a half on the highway? [I.O. Ed., Darren says thirty minutes and that they were engaged in healthy and instructive conversation for an hour after that.] Mr. Huff will fill in the important blanks, from his perspective. See the video report of this April 20th incident.
We hope to have time for call-in questions, at 646-727-2652 (option 1, to ask a question). Afterward, the netcast will be archived, for future reference.
h/t: Carl Swensson
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