Where Do Birthers Come From?
Well, it probably started with Dreams . . . [I.O. ed., link to examination of Obama, including his book, Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance]
In the introduction, Obama acknowledged his use of pseudonyms, composite characters, approximated dialogue and events out of chronological order. "He was trying to be careful of people's feelings," said Deborah Baker, the editor on the first paperback edition of the book. "The fact is, it all had a sort of larger truth going on that you couldn't make up." -- basically, Obama's story as told by Obama, and a few others, has more than a few holes in it -- and his relationships are extraordinary.
Well, folks put that information away. Everybody puffs up their resume -- no harm -- no foul.
Then along came that Muslim thing. Obama's sister Maya was quoted by the New York Times as saying, "My whole family was Muslim." Obama said the Muslim call to prayer is "one of the prettiest sounds on Earth," in an interview with Nicholas Kristof, published in The New York Times, reciting the Muslim call to prayer, the Adhan, "with a first-class [Arabic] accent."
The whole question of whether Obama was or wasn't a Muslim began in the Obama camp -- then there was a whole series of contradictory reports -- no! he isn't -- well, maybe he is -- well, maybe he used to be -- no! absolutely not! -- he's a committed Christian. Yeah, but what kind of Christian -- he wasn't quite what I was used to -- for 20 years, Obama was a member of a huge black nationalist church, the Trinity United Church of Christ (UCC) -- its pastor, Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, a former Muslim and black nationalist, unabashedly preached a "black" gospel" and "liberation theory."
And people said -- hey! -- wait a minute! Then the dozens of different eligibility issues -- Obama's birthplace is not certain -- the birth certificate is demonstrably counterfeit -- he admits he was a British subject at birth. And then The Obama File published this list:
- Original, vault copy birth certificate -- Not released (lawyers' fees = $2,000,000; birth certificate = $15)
- Certification of Live Birth -- Released -- Counterfeit
- Obama/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)
- Kindergarten records -- Records lost (this is a big one -- see here -- read two frames) Obama/Dunham marriage license -- Not released (if one exists)
- Soetoro/Dunham marriage license -- Not released
- Soetoro adoption records -- Not released
- Fransiskus Assisi School School application -- Released (by independent investigators)
- Punahou School records -- Not released
- Soetoro/Dunham divorce -- Released (by independent investigators)
- Selective Service Registration -- Released -- Counterfeit
- Occidental College records -- Not released
- Passport -- Not released and records scrubbed clean by Obama's terrorism and intelligence adviser.
- Columbia College records -- Not released
- Columbia thesis -- "Soviet Nuclear Disarmament" -- Not released
- Harvard College records -- Not released
- Harvard Law Review articles -- None
- Illinois Bar Records -- Not released.
- Baptism certificate -- None
- Medical records -- Not released
- Illinois State Senate records -- None
- Illinois State Senate schedule -- Lost
- Law practice client list -- Not released
- University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None
In 2007, Obama told Tim Russert that his records were "not kept."
And there's less on the web every day. In time, the entire Obama body of knowledge will consist of 3 documents -- "Dreams From My Father" -- "The Audacity of Hope" -- and the latest -- "Change We Can Believe In" -- all written by Barack Hussein Obama or his "ghost-writers."
Just an accident? I don't think so.
Obama has lived for almost 50 years without leaving any footprints -- none! There is no Obama documentation -- no bona fides -- no paper trail -- nothing.
Being a "Birther" is not about the birth certificate. The birth certificate isn't the answer. It's a symbol for all the other stuff that's just not there. You wouldn't hire with a guy with this CV to mow your lawn. Obama's complete disregard for the reasonable expectations of the American people to know who and what their leaders, are created Birthers -- and Obama can make them go away -- in a heartbeat. Obama -- release your bona fides. The American People have a right to know who you are, and who sent you.
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