Tuesday, 9pm ET,,, 6pm PT
When our Special Guest, Gary Kreep was last on 'The Awakening," he announced plans to sue Janet Napolitano and Obama's Department of Homeland Security, over their targeting constitutionalists and pro-life declarationists as "right wing extremists" and "suspected terrorists." He also related that the Alan Keyes eligibility case, regarding Obama was being appealed. Gary updates on the program. We are inviting two more eligibility specialists for updates regarding cases and Grand Juries.
Wednesday, 9pm ET,,, 6pm PT
Wish states: I am delighted to have as my guest, again, Mr. Ryan Mauro. He is the founder of WorldThreats.com, the Assistant Director of Intelligence at C21, and also the Christian Action Network's National Security Researcher. He is also author of Death to America: The Unreported Battle of Iraq. He can be contacted at TDCAnalyst@Aol.com.
We will be discussing Terrorist Camps/Radical Islamic Networks in the United States and the recent arrest in Egypt of Muslim Brotherhood officials. Other international issues of interest may be Obama Afghanistan strategy, the former Soviet Republic of Georgia and the evidence for WMDs. Mr. Mauro writes for Frontpagemag.org and Pajama's Media.
Recall that on February 25th, we discussed the documentary film entitled: Homegrown Jihad: Terrorist Camps Around the US. This film has received considerable attention because it content should signal to the American people both a growing and grave concern.
Thursday, 3:30pm ET,,, 12:30pm PT
Updates on our Political happenings, Law Suits and what is actually going on in our Political world, defendidng our Constitution and our right to Free Speech.
Thursday, 9pm ET,,, 6pm PT
Philip J. Berg, Esquire on the Mark S. McGrew Show.
News and Updates on his lawsuits against Obama, www.ObamaCrimes.com
Barry Soetoro has spent $1,000,000 to keep people from seeing his $25 Birth Certificate.
Listen to the discussion about "America's Con Man."
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