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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hitting Obama's M.O., But What About the Global Banking Fascism? Twittering Karl Rove

I received an email this morning from Karl Rove. Good to be in touch.

Dear Arlen,

Would you like to get periodic emails with information on my upcoming media appearances, copies of my columns, and news about my speeches? These emails include links to related audio and video clips along with recent press coverage.

If you would like to join, please visit www.Rove.com to signup. Feel free to share this invitation with others you think might be interested.

Best Regards,

Karl Rove

Looking in, I noticed that Mr. Rove has just written an excellent criticism of Premier Obama's attempt to coerce those Democrats in Congress who remain concerned for a semi-valid America. In the Wall Street Journal: "The President is 'Keeping Score;' Chicago politics has moved into the White House." An excerpt:

Members of Congress should also worry about how Mr. Obama is "keeping score." He is steeped in the ways of Chicago politics and has not forgotten his training in the methods once used by Saul Alinsky, the radical Chicago community organizer.

Alinsky's 1971 book, "Rules for Radicals," is a favorite of the Obamas. Michele Obama quoted it at the Democratic Convention. One Alinsky tactic is to "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it." That's what the White House did in targeting Rush Limbaugh, Rick Santelli and Jim Cramer. (The president's press secretary, Robert Gibbs, went so far as to lash all three from the White House press podium.) It may also explain Mr. Obama's comments to Mr. DeFazio.

After all, Alinsky's first rule of "power tactics" is "power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have." Team Obama wants to remind its adversaries it has plenty of power, and it does. The question is whether the White House will wield it responsibly. The jury is still out, but certain clues are beginning to emerge. "Don't think we're not keeping score, brother," even if said with a wink and a smile, isn't quite the "new politics" we were told to expect.

And seeing from Mr. Rove's site that he is also in Twitter, it was time to congratulate him for his expose': @karlrove Good article on Obama's thuggery, but what do you have to say about the international banking thieves behind the Federal Reserve?

By the way, in Twitter, I'm ArlenWilliams -- let's get in tweet, fellow twits.

Do you think Mr. Rove may have a clue about such things as the "lost" billions, unaccountably missing in the bank bailout, under that extraordinarily frequent visitor of Communist China, Henry Paulson, the Tyrant of TARP and Bush's Secretary of the Treasury?

Interesting, this linkage between the menacing and evidently, factually, illegal Federal Reserve system, global megabanking, and Marxists, is it not? Linkage, including such figures as the Ford Foundation's Stanley Ann Dunham and her boy, Barack, also her Ford Foundation boss, Peter Geithner and his boy, Timothy. Linkage, including the Ford Foundation's infamous history with communism --and the Rockefeller complex. Linkage also having to do with certain activities of the CIA.

Would you like to see more here, about that?

Well, would you, Karl? Or, is that old news, for you and your cohorts (whether compatriot or comrade)?

News of the Day - The G20: One Trillion More, to the World Bank and International Monetary Fund -- but whose money? Whose money?

some www linkage withheld, for now

Don't think we're not keeping score;
God, too.

This Monday's Awakening, w/ Hanen & Arlen will feature Carl Swenson, a leading force in the Georgia Common Law Grand Jury investigation, plus Lt. Col. Donald Sullivan, the North Carolina eligibility challenger whose son was arrested 3/25, upon apparently no evidence, for not answering questions at a police vehicle stop. 4/6, 9pm ET.

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