Pidgeon is expected to tell the story of his multiple close encounters of the first kind with law enforcement officers and what he has alleged to be Department of Homeland Security personnel, this last Wednesday, 3/25. Scuttlebutt has it, he believes himself (and possibly, his associated Obama eligibility challengers) to have been targeted in a practice exercise in surveillance and intimidation. Mr. Pidgeon is arranging a "national grand jury," for the purpose of shedding light upon Barack Obama's many cover-ups, including his actual birth certificate, documentation of his Indonesian citizenship, college records, passport records, etc., proceedings to be initiated soon.
See Wednesday and Thursday's I.O. article, "Obama Eligibility Challenger, 'Stephen Pidgeon in imminent danger of arrest by Homeland Security,' Says the Email -- Updated."
Notes about the broadcast will follow, here, as the evening goes on:
Three black SUV's with six men in camo, plus police cars, at the bottom of the hill; a county sheriff car, an Everett Police Department car... all on the way to the office. That is what Mr. Pidgeon and his associate, Vince, found. Also, on the way to lunch, poilce cars -- and, a police car on the way in, siren and lights a goin', -- a plainclothes police officer coming into the lunchtime restaurant, "noticeably disturbed" that he, according to Pidgeon lost them. The further the day goes, the more the police cars, evidently involved in a training program.
Stephen also mentions numerous concerns, expressed about the authoritarian Marxofascist plotting being dealt out of Washington and the U.N. They do a good rundown, Pidgeon linking the current events to the works of Bertrand Russell.
The topics and reported instances of Obama's globalist, Marxofascist authoritarianism fly at such a pace that it would be difficult to log them here. Many of them have been dealt with in the blog. Pidgeon ties Obama's economics to Mugabe's in Zimbabwe and refers to Alinsky and Cloward-Piven; nice compilation.
Pidgeon also refers to the research of Philip Berg, postulating a Kenyan birth for BHO II. He also spells out the rosy scenario, of the SCOTUS overturning the entire election process and declaring the executive actions of Obama (Soetoro?) null and void. While Pidgeon is still planning a "national grand jury," one in Georgia has already taken action, a group associated with Orly Taitz.
I called in, but did not get a chance to ask my questions:
Mr. Pidgeon, what did you do with the $10,000 raised for you by numerous donors, back at the turn of the year? You also gained time critical information, at that time, for the immediate investigation you promised. What did you do with that information? You have promised a report of results and given deadlines which have passed. The only thing I heard tonight as coming from your research is that there was a male student named Obama in Moscow, around 1990, and the picture associated with a newspaper story about him appeared not to be Barack Obama.I.O. always hopes to find good news.
Is that your most important finding, Stephen?
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