Update 1/22: Docket listings are back up, at the Supreme Court site. This has been another in a line of odd occurrences at the courts, pertaining to the eligibility requirement cases.
Update 1/21: Apparently, all docket items regarding Obama eligibility have disappeared but one Berg item. Received by email from Zapem:
Original Post, 1/21:All the cases on Obama's eligibility, even the pending ones, have been removed from the SCOTUS website.
One remains only to say that Berg v. Obama was dismissed today. http://origin.www.supremecourtus.gov/docket/08-570.htmDonofrio, Wrotnowski, Schneller, Berg applications and Lightfoot all removed. I checked the other 2008 cases having nothing to do with Obama and those are still there. Something is going on.
Not Found
The requested URL /docket/08a524.htm was not found on this server.
That is what now appears on the Supreme Court Web site, for the docket page of Lightfoot v. Bowen (http://origin.www.supremecourtus.gov/docket/08a524.htm).
Here is Lightfoot attorney, Orly Taitz' post about it, from her blog.
More about this will likely be posted in updates, below, as I.O. finds more to post. In the meantime, I also suggest you look into The Right Side of Life and its overall status page, "Eligibility Lawsuits," regarding news of other suits.Obama has been in power only one day and they are already playing games with the Supreme Court
Obama has been in power only one day. Suddenly today my case has disappeared from the docket. The case was not dismissed. It is supposed to be heard on the 23rd of January. Each and every American Citizen needs to call the Supreme court and demand decency from these Justices. They have violated all principles of judicial integrity and ethics by inviting Obama and Biden to the closed door meeting only a few days before the hearing. They have inaugurated him in from of millions of people, when 3 days after the inauguration they are supposed to hear my case, where I state that Obama is not eligible for presidency and never was eligible. They were supposed to recuse themselves from the inauguration. What is going on? Is Chicago mafia influencing the Supreme Court? If we don't have integrity with our elected officials and the whole system is corrupt, then it is time to revolt and change the system.3 comments
This is how the docket appeared before it vanished.
No. 08A524
Title: Gail Lightfoot, et al., Applicants
Debra Bowen, California Secretary of State
Lower Ct: Supreme Court of California
Case Nos.: (S168690)
~~~Date~~~ ~~~~~~~Proceedings and Orders~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dec 12 2008 Application (08A524) for a stay pending the filing and disposition of a petition for a writ of certiorari, submitted to Justice Kennedy.
Dec 17 2008 Application (08A524) denied by Justice Kennedy.
Dec 29 2008 Application (08A524) refiled and submitted to The Chief Justice.
Jan 7 2009 DISTRIBUTED for Conference of January 23, 2009.
Jan 7 2009 Application (08A524) referred to the Court.
Jan 13 2009 Suggestion for recusal received from applicant.
~~Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~Address~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~Phone~~~
Attorneys for Petitioners:
Orly Taitz 26302 La Paz (949) 683-5411
Counsel of Record Mission Viejo, CA 92691
Party name: Gail Lightfoot, et al.
This was relayed by FReeper, "cacoethes_resipisco" from a Google search cache, through this URL:
ht: dl
I personally checked 15 cases on the Pending Order's List myself and found those to be on the docket and fully visible from the database. I did not find any cases which were missing other than the eligibility contest cases as noted in this article.
The bottom line here is, while the Petitioners in these cases have been treated worse than second-class citizens, slandered on websites and belittled by the media without remorse, I find it ironic that no one seems to care if a President of the United States is held to the mere standard of Factcheck.org.