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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Oklahoma St. Rep. Mike Ritze Requesting Congress to Challenge Obama's Eligibility; Plains Radio Attacked After Streaming Interview?

Thank God, Pravda seems safe

12/24, 3:31am CT:
As relayed and reported to I.O. yesterday evening by FReeper, BonRad, below is an email sent by Plains Radio, early Tuesday morning (emphasis by I.O.) [Ed. update: In the Monday interview described below, Dr. Mike Ritze, Oklahoma State Representative states that he is contacting OK Senators James Inhofe (R) and Tom Coburn (R), asking that they challenge the congressional certification of Barack Obama's election, based upon his not being a natural born Citizen according to the actual definition of that criterion. Rep. Ritze also describes his proposed state legislation to reform election law in that state, including the constitutional definition of natural born Citizen. Alabama's U.S. Senator, Jeff Sessions was also mentioned.]

date Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 4:11 AM
subject We took a wreckign ball to Obamas Glass house last night
mailed-by bounce.onlinelivesupport.net

Hi Folks:

Last night, Plains Radio made history. We had for the first time one of them to join us. Them? That would be Rep. Mike Ritze of the Oklahoma State house. Dr. Mike will now take our cause to the Senators and Congressman from Oklahoma. He will try and persuade Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma to stand up and challenge Obama Election.

If you missed that show, please listen to one of the replay today. The replays are at 8 am and 4 pm centraltime today. It will be worth your time. Last night, we took a wrecking ball to Obama glass house. We got one that now has the knowledge to bring others over to our side. How do you get a 100 Senators and Congressman over to our side and challenge Obama. 1 at a time. We are now going to win this and stop Obama from destroying our country. You owe it to yourself to listen to that show. It was a real barnburner.

The email goes on to say that on Friday, 12/26, they are scheduled to interview Obama outist correspondent for Pravda's Web publication (yes, Pravda). The only journalist that I.O. knows of who is reporting about Obama's ineligibility is Mark S. McGrew and it turns out McGrew was interviewed by Ed Hale of Plains Radio on Monday, 12/22, as well. Also, Stephen Pidgeon, attorney for Obama challengers in Washington state.

We will have guest like that at anytime on the Plains Radio Network. We have a very special guest this Friday night start at 6 pm central. You know that Russian newspaper, Prauda, that is running all those stories about Obama, well Friday night, we will have that reporter on our show for 4 hours. This is one you don’t want to miss. Please go to the Plains Radio web site by clicking here and listen to the show.

Ed Hale

I.O. is listening now and will let you do the same. I may follow-up in this post or its comments -- or just leave that open. [End of initial posting]

U.S. Senators Inhofe, Coburn and Sessions

<<<<<<<<<<<<> I.O.<>>>>>>>>>>>>

Update, 12/24, 9:34am CT - Since this article was posted (below the I.O. divider in this posting, 3:31am) access to the archives pages of Plains Radio have become unavailable; also, apparently, their entire main Web site, PlainsRadio.com. Is this yet another cyber-attack, in an lengthening line of cyber attacks upon Web sites which are exposing Barack Obama?

This 11/21 thread in FreeRepublic.com documented earlier attacks.
Blog of Leo Donofrio, down? The blog service that hosts it, down? (Page Load Error)
NaturalBornCitizen ^ | 11/21/2008 | unspun

Posted on Friday, November 21, 2008 11:30:36 PM by unspun

I am trying to take a look at http://www.blogtext.org/naturalborncitizen/ tonight. It is not coming up.

As you may recall, FreeRepublic.com was hit by a denial of service attack on, was it Election Day?

Also, after FR began publicizing the one-page article, Investigating Obama: Career Path Toward a Neo-Marxist Presidency, the site that stored the printable versions was attacked.

As it turned out, the first two of Leo Donofrio's three blogs were cyber-attacked, the first, by a denial of service attack, the second by dishonestly "flagging" his Google, Blogger site as violating terms of service. Does Plains Radio get the next "badge of courage?" Is the FBI working on it?

Currently, the Plains Radio forum site is still up and running, including their live streaming broadcast. [Ed. update, 11:09am: that streaming broadcast has ceased, at least for those listeners who have reported.]

I.O. will be monitoring this, through the morning. Plains Radio is located in Collinsworth County, TX.

10:31am - Calls to their published telephone number have not been answered.

7:39pm - I had been unable to report, until this evening. The Plains Radio site has been back up since earlier this afternoon, also their live streaming radio. The aforementioned 12/22, Monday evening broadcast of "The Lion's Den" with Ed and Carin Hale is back up and running -- very interesting radio. It may take some time to make connections, but I.O. will want to find out why their site went down, beginning reportedly between 7-8am, this morning.

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