Circumstances cause Americans to wonder who will become United States President on January 20 and what routes this person and Chief Justice Roberts will each take, to their intersection at the Oath of Office. Polarik's contribution presents itself an exquisitely researched, documented, and illustrative set of findings which may be seen at these locations on the Web:,_phony_photos,_and_felony_fraud.thtml
With my experience and specialization in document imaging, my findings are conclusive and irrefutable that the COLB images posted by Obama to his campaign website,, to the, a pro-Obama blog, to, a pro-Obama political research group, and to, are, in fact, image forgeries with the intent to defraud the American People into believing that these images were digitally scanned from Obama’s genuine, “original” birth certificate.
With my experience and specialization in photography and digital imaging, my findings are conclusive and irrefutable that the COLB photographs posted by, a pro-Obama political research group, and to, are, in fact, photographic forgeries with the intent to defraud the American People into believing that these digital photographs were taken of Obama’s genuine, “original” birth certificate.
[Edit 11/23: Is this the last word on the subject? Not necessarily. Works of science are always subject to further testing -- and Polarik seems to be an anonymous source.]I encourage you to go and read it directly. You deserve the privilege to begin to discover whether the presumptive president-elect is headed to the White House and whether, to a much less auspicious federal house.
Also: in the next day or so, I hope to produce a one-page, hypertext-linked guide in the hydra-headed battle to discover the historical Barack Obama vs. the United States Constitution's requirement of only a "natural born citizen" allowed as America's president (Article II, 20th Amendment, COLB, derived/forged COLB, Donofrio, Keyes, Berg, Supreme Court, etc.). Keeping it updated in ensuing days presents another challenge. [Edit 11/23: Even if the document examined by "Polarik" is not a forgery per se, that does not mean it honestly reflects an original COLB. Even if the COLB is accurate, it does not address the essense of the Donofrio lawsuit.]
This is coming to a climax with due process momentum that has begun to appear unstoppable.
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