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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Phil Berg on the Way to SCOTUS & Dr. David Janda: Obamacare Harmful to America's Health - tonight, on Sentinel Radio

Join us for a special evening of broadcasts

Simply click the title links below, to go to the appropriate net-radio broadcasts, plus optional listener chat windows.

1. Phil Berg, Obama Eligibility Challenger Joins Momma E and the Radio Rebels, 8-9pm ET,,, 5-6pm PT
Momma E relates that Phil will talk about Berg Vs. Obama, et. al., which is headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.
2. Dr. David Janda, Exposer of Obamacare, Doing Harm to Americans, on Weekly Candor, with Wish, 9-11pm ET,,, 6-8pm PT
From Wish:

For the first part our of our program show we are honored to have as tonight's distinguished guest, Dr. David Janda. He is an orthopedic surgeon and is also pioneer in the field of sports injury medicine. Dr. Janda has been an outspoken critic of the proposed Health Care reform and is a proponent of health care freedom. Recently, as a guest on Glenn Beck program, Dr. Janda revealed how much of the current health care reforms have been concealed within the Stimulus Bill. We are delighted to have him as our guest and we are looking forward to his commentary and medical expertise. Dr. Janda is also the author of The Awakening Of A Surgeon: A Life of Prevention, Health, and Hope.

During our second hour, we will continue our discussion from Sentinel Radio's this past Monday nights show "The Awakening," where we explored the Ukrainian pneumatic plague, what it might be, how and where has it spread, and to what extent.

Tonight's topics include:

1. Obama Health Care
2. New Mammogram Advice
3. Ukraine Pneumonic Flu
4. What are the Causes of Influenza Epidemics?
5. Four Approved Swine Flu Vaccines for use in the USA via the FDA
6. The Copenhagen Climate Treaty and US Sovereignty
7. The Cap and Trade Bill
8. Commentary: Is Mandatory Health Insurance Constitutional?

Sentinel Radio's, Arlen Williams, host of "The Awakening" and Hanen will join me for a revealing and thoughtful discussion.
Both special guests have been guest before on Sentinel Radio. See these links on: Philip Berg and David Janda, for their earlier references here.

Dr. Janda on Glenn Beck, 11/4/2009

Dr. Janda's interview, 2nd hour, "The Awakening," 8/24/2009

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