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Friday, October 2, 2009

Hardin, Montana & the American Police Force; 1 of 2; Updated into 10/2

Original Entry, 9/29/2009, 7:55pm+ CT ~ Hardly likely, a huge new Obamunist emergency, at least, at this point -- but this appears to be a big problem for at least a small American town -- and it's county sheriff.

Updates ~ I.O. is adding links at the bottom of this article, to various reports (and some conjectures). You deserve to see what's out there, from ostensibly credible media and we can sort it out together, from there. There is a new 10/2 update at the bottom of this post.

Feel free to see...

...and if that doesn't show up for you, here's the link:




American Police Force Corporation Takes Over Small Town Police Force and Prisoner-Less Jail - CBS News


Introducing... new for 2009... the one... the only...

American Police Force!
(wait for applause)

Poise, circumspection, reason, and scrutiny, everybody. No jumping to conclusions.

Updates ~
What this appears to be, at first take, is a pork project prison, built during these recent times of overcrowded federal penitentiaries, but without specific plans in place, for its use. Add to this, a hope of local politicians and economic development interests, for its use as a potential prison for the terrorist detainees currently held at Guantanamo Bay.

Meanwhile, Blackwater becomes persona non grata in Iraq, opening the door for little start-up off-shoots and up-shoots, one of these likely taking the grandiose and irresponsible name of "American Police Force." This firm wins a contract to staff the prison at Hardin, apparently again, with "earmarked" pork funds. In the mix, they offer to, or agree to become a private police force for the local town of Hardin. That, however, appears to violate the Constitution of the State of Montana, as is brought out in Tim Worstall's Examiner article.

Is there a secret agreement somewhere in the mix, to bring over the Gitmo detainees? Are local government and this APF going to continue to try to buck the Montana constitution? What, exactly is their charter and what are its defined limits? Whose money are they gaining and how much? Could there be some surreptitious motive along the way? Is this possibly some kind of "camel's head in the tent," for further circumvention of sovereign county and state law enforcement? In addition to apparent violation of the state constitution of Montana, are there other abrogations and illegalities involved?

These are the kinds of questions that naturally spring up, when the "transparent" Obama administration is found to be a network of radicals, within a sociopolitical milieu where anti-American, "transnational progressive" influences have infiltrated our nation, including both political parties.

10/1 ~ For a few minutes on 9/30, Brannon Howse, of Worldview Times, mused upon the uses which a "new order" administration might have, for private, mercenary police, in the place of public officials. This comes at approximately the mid-point of his Worldview Radio program.

10/2 ~ Further local news reports have been collated, below. In the last, APF is cited as stating this facility will not be used to house Gitmo prisoners.

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