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Saturday, August 22, 2009

The True Natural Born Citizenship Criteria; Time to Refocus

Though the work of "birthers" has continued to focus largely upon the question of Barack Obama's place of birth, the damning issue remains his Kenyan/British citizenship, passed to him by natural succession, from his father. That is, if it is true that Barack Obama I is actually his father, something that seems evident, though he also seems to look more like Frank Marshall Davis with every change of season.

I.O. followed the attempts of Leo Donofrio and Cort Wrotnowski, to get the Supreme Court to pay attention to the actual natural born Cittizen standard, before Obama was certified and inaugurated. However, they were not granted an injunction, likely based upon those justice's opinions of the plaintiffs' standing. Thus, to this date, Barack Obama's apparent ineligibility to serve as United States President and Commander in Chief of our military forces has never been adjudicated upon its throbbing sore thumb merits. Constitutional justice remains to be served.

John Jay's request of the "natural born Citizen" requirement,
to the Constitutional Congress
click image to enlarge

By the common understanding of the phrase, natural born Citizen -- by the explanation of that phrase before the fact, the communications about it, at the time of the Constitution's framing, and the relevant analysis and case law, after it, this continues to be evident: that, to hold this qualification, two criteria must be met:
  1. born of parents who were both United States citizens at the time of one's birth
  2. born within United States territory
See the articles:
Mr. Donofrio, who appears to be a man of volatile temperament, has nevertheless resumed some of the tasks of explaining why this sore thumb continues to stick out. One way, has been to show how, according to the most up-to-date historical research, we have already had one fictitious U.S. president, in Mr. Chester A. Arthur. Like Obama, it was rumored that he was not born in America, but, by research Donofrio has brought to light, Arthur was actually engaged in a cover-up of the fact that his father was a British citizen at the time of little Chester's birth. Visit these recent Donofrio articles, to see for yourself.
And, more recently:
Further, Donofrio has done excellent work in explaining why the case of Wong Kim Ark, often cited by Obama protectors, is actually further corroboration of the two criteria (parental lineage and place of birth) for being a natural born Citizen.

There is more to add to the mound of evidence of the true, constitutional definition of natural born Citizen, but that is for others to do and they will do it very soon. And, I.O. will continue to report it.

Constitutional justice must be served, if the term, United States of America is to maintain any integrity.

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