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Monday, February 16, 2009

Don't Just Read, Do Something! About this Catastrophe: Congress & Obama

I have read and traded comments with a handful of patriots, about the celebrated C-SPAN soliloquy... the revelation of Rep. Kanjorski (D-PA). His video is shown a few articles below - tired of posting it. A few of these folks follow along the lines of conventional and credible wisdom, assembled at Maggie's Notebook: here, just click that into a new window, if you like.

And since this is I.O., I'll feature my comment to her piece -- a suggestion for you Citizen activists out there to digest -- and get busy doing -- if you so choose:
Thanks for the good essay, Maggie. I suggest that we don't think yet that we have enough information on this story. What I do suggest:

Pick two congressmen from Kanjorski's committee and call their offices this fine Monday. [2/17: this and next week, let us take our time and be thorough enough] Ask them the tough questions. Here's the subcommittee list:

House Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance, and Government Sponsored Enterprises - let's have at it! http://is.gd/jFcq

For example, to Kanjorski's own office, let's ask: $550B within two hours? On what day? Why this big heavy burp, all of a sudden, at 11am? Who has investigated? What is the result? Any massive sell-offs by entities which have connections to each other, or which may not have the interests of the U.S.A. at heart?

Then, let's ask the others on that subcommittee what they recall and by the way... whom do they think *should be* investigated, outside and inside Congress?

And while we have them on the phone, how do they like the idea that we should throw more than another one trillion dollars at the problem, causing severe inflation and thus an auto-Madoff run on our livelihoods and savings?

And do they think we should join Obama's MarxoFascist army now, to be ahead of the curve? Will that give us the ticket to move to the head of the breadlines, you know, as long as we campaign for other socialists and throw our weight around in our neighborhoods?
We should already know this is essentially a manufactured catastrophe, by one interpretation of that phrase or another (see posts of the last three weeks). We are in the eye of the storm and the storm has been building rapidly. What do we do about it?

Here is another thing, for you Citizen activists (natural born, or otherwise) to do, as described by Citizen Wells in his piece, "Congress Watch, WHY Initiative, US Constitution, US Congress, Obama eligibility, Congressmen, Senators, Representatives, Accountable, 2010 Elections, Military oath, Restore the Constitutional Republic," February 13, 2009. Please have a look at that.

This is one of the critical subjects Mr. Wells and an excellent group will be covering on "The Awakening," this Monday night, on net-radio, 8pm ET,,,5pm PT, and archived.

And, please give me your comment or an email to arlenwilliams "at" yahoo.com, if you have feedback from one or more of these congressmen or their offices!

Mr. Wells likes long titles, doesn't he?

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